Do Rottweilers Shed?

They do shed a lot. While Rottweilers are a short-haired breed they are double-coated, which causes them to shed excessively.

Rottweilers go through two extreme shedding seasons, usually during dramatic season change, twice a year.

Some people believe that since Rottweilers do not have long hair, they don't shed a lot. The fact of the matter is that Rottweilers do shed a pretty good amount of hair, despite having short fur.

Rottweilers shed moderately throughout the year, but during spring and fall, they shed more heavily because of their double coat. 

They need to adapt to the changing temperatures, which means getting rid of the old coat and growing a new one to cope with the changing seasons.

Dogs are like all other mammals in that the act of shedding is a natural part of hair growth. It helps the dog in adapting to weather changes applicable to that particular season and maintaining a healthy coat.

Although Rottweilers are not known to be heavy shedders, they do shed just about the same as Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds – breeds known for heavy shedding. But since Rotties have shorter fur, it seems like there is less.

Why Do Rottweilers Shed So Much?

The reason behind Rottweiler's shedding is based upon their ancestors.

The Rottweiler is descended from a mastiff-type species of a dog called the Molossus. This breed is now extinct, but characteristics were passed along to some dog breeds we know and love today.

As a result, you will find that these dogs have what we know as a "double coat"-this is a characteristic found in breeds like German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and Siberian Huskies.

The coat itself consists of two layers of fur - the topcoat and the undercoat. The undercoat is what we humans would like to wear underneath our sweaters and jackets in the wintertime. It is soft, and the purpose is to provide a form of insulation during those cold and snowy periods.

This coat is also markedly lighter in its coloration. You will find that your Rottie's undercoat is much more dense around the neck, as well as around the legs. This layer will not be seen unless you use your dog's brush, or even your hand, to comb back the fur and look for it.

The top coat is the layer of fur that you see on your dog every day. It's longer and a bit more coarse thanks to being exposed to the elements.

The undercoat is not always needed. In the spring and fall, it is shed as a means of getting ready for the upcoming changes in temperature.

However, the amount of shedding can vary from owner to owner, as the individual climate of the place you live as well as your Rottie's habits - such as their time spent indoors or out - can affect your dog's shedding.

Factors That Can Affect Your Rottweiler's Shedding


Thanks to the changes in seasons that many of us experience, your dog will shed accordingly. In the spring and summer, where it is usually quite warm, the dog will shed his undercoat as a means of keeping cool.

Meanwhile, during other seasons such as winter, your dog will keep that undercoat as it is like having an extra layer of protection against that harsh winter wind and bone-chilling temperatures, especially when taking a walk or going to the potty spot.

Type Of Coat

Some dogs have what we call single coats, meaning they do not have a layer called the "undercoat." Other dogs are known as double coats, meaning they do have a topcoat as well as an undercoat. As you can imagine, this affects how your Rottweiler sheds.

The double coat is marked by a soft, short coat underneath the primary coat, which you can see if you brush back the fur, and then an outermost coat with the brown and black colors you are used to seeing on a Rottweiler.

Losing The Puppy Hair

As puppies grow into dogs, they may lose some hair along the way to make room for new hair as they get bigger.

Puppies and dogs are mammals, and just like us humans, the shedding of hair is a common and normal part of our daily lives and growing.


As dogs get older, they may lose their hair, and rottweilers are no exception. When an older dog loses hair, it is slow to grow back, and you may notice some bald spots.

Other signs of aging in dogs include dry skin and graying hair, which is a product of lessened cell activity. The hair will also be more sparse and prone to damage, as well as brittle.


A deficiency in nutrients can do a number on your dog's coat. Dogs that are fed a homemade diet that is lacking in nutrients, or dogs that are fed low-quality commercial dog foods, may experience hair loss because they are not getting all the nutrients they need for a shiny and healthy coat.

Foods that contain excess nutrients can also lead to a deficiency. Look for signs such as dull hair, sparse hair, split ends, hair color changes, scaly skin, or pressure sores.

And to prevent this from affecting your dog, make sure to feed high-quality foods to your Rottweiler.


There are a good number of illnesses that your Rottweiler can develop, as well as health conditions that can lead to hair loss in your dog.

It is not necessarily the same as shedding, which is natural-rather; this is a result of an affliction that must be treated by a veterinarian.

Hormonal Cycles

This section is devoted to those of you with female rottweilers. Females in the heat cycle undergo physical changes that bring lots of stress to the animal, such as bloody mucus discharge.

The estrus cycle is hard on your dog, and the hormones going through your pet may lead to more shedding/hair loss than you are used to seeing. Your dog's body is telling her to find a mate, and if she cannot find one, she may experience anxiety or even act out in aggressive ways.

Stress manifests itself through these emotions and actions, but also through hair loss. Estrogen levels are very high in female dogs during this period, which also may cause hair to fall out.

Whether or not your female Rottie is in heat, you should keep an eye on her to verify hair loss is not due to some other health problem.


Some dogs live indoors mostly. Others live outdoors. Some dogs live in tropical climates, others in places where it's mostly cold.

The bottom line is that dogs with different lifestyles will have different shedding patterns.

If your dog loves to stay outside or is a guard dog, he will need a thicker coat to stay warm during those times outdoors. It works the same for summer, too- if your dog is outside a lot during the hot months, they will shed that undercoat.

Meanwhile, a Rottie that lives mostly indoors, where air conditioning and heating are a fact of life; they will not need as much insulation compared to another dog. Dogs that live indoors will shed about the same amount all year long compared to "outdoor" dogs.


It's a good idea to limit showers for your puppy or dog. Puppies or dogs should not be bathed until they reach about 7-8 weeks of age when they can regulate their body temperatures.

Bathing leaves the pups open to getting chilled. You should also use a quality shampoo that is safe and will protect the coat on your Rottweiler. It will prevent the dog from itching or scratching as a result of using a shampoo that irritates their skin.

After all, a dog can itch so much in a particular spot that hair loss occurs. Skin can also become dry and flaky when a dog is bathed too often. As a general rule, once a month is okay.

How To Reduce Rottweiler's Shedding Problems?

Proper grooming and nutrition habits are going to be your secret weapons in keeping your Rottie looking and feeling her best.

Grooming should be done often, and only a quick brushing is usually enough. It's best to brush your Rottweiler at least once a week so that excess hair can be removed, and oils naturally found on the skin can be spread around.

These oils help keep the hair of your dog looking shiny and promotes good hair health. It takes just a good 10-minute brushing to get your dog looking great, as Rotties are pretty low-maintenance in the hair department.

Grooming your Rottweiler is not hard. Start by getting yourself a good slicker brush, or soft-bristle brush. The former is better because slicker brushes are great for dogs with a double coat.

  1. Begin by putting your dog at ease. Talk to him, scratch his ears. You might even provide a small treat, so he associates grooming with a good thing.

  2. Feel for any bites, bumps, or lumps. This way, you can know which spots to avoid and help you detect any health issues that might be present in your dog. It's an excellent way to prevent and treat skin diseases.

  3. Now it's time to brush. Brush with the grain, not against it. It will help pull out loose and dead hair.

  4. Start at the top of the head and work toward the hindquarters. Some dogs may not like the use of long brush strokes. You can use shorter ones if it helps put your dog at ease.

  5. The undercoat tends to grow around the neck and thighs, so make sure that you give extra attention to those areas. Make sure as you brush, that the bristles rub against the skin. It will stimulate blood flow to the area, help the hair grow, and get the natural body oils spread around. It also feels great on the skin of your dog.

  • Begin when they are small. This way, they will always be used to grooming. Brushing time for puppies should be shorter, as their attention span is not as long as adult dogs.

  • Regular grooming will keep your home and clothing free of fur. It's a good idea to do it outside if the weather is nice - the backyard or the dog park is a good idea. Make sure if you do it in a public area to collect the fur in a bag and discard it responsibly. Otherwise, you might brush your dog on an old blanket at home and then shake it outdoors once done.

  • Bathing once a month or when needed is important. It will not only keep your dog smelling great but will keep skin oils in check. Healthy skin means less hair loss.

  • Good nutrition also matters. Make sure your dog is fed a quality, vet-recommended brand of food and always has access to clean, fresh water. Cheap commercial foods and homemade diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can lead to hair loss in dogs.

  • Causes Of Excessive Shedding

    Your Rottweiler may shed for several reasons.

    For example, having a poor diet thanks to nutritionally poor homemade foods or low-quality commercial foods can be a reason dogs shed.

    Some diseases can also affect your dog and cause him to lose hair. Here are some examples:

    Cushing's Disease

    Your Rottweiler produces too much of the hormone cortisol. Symptoms of this may also include an increase in weight, increased thirst, and need to go potty, and recurring infections. A veterinarian will treat the dog using surgery or medicine.


    This is actually a fungal infection and not a parasite. It will make the puppy or dog itch and cause hair loss. You will notice crusty or scaly skin patches, which are the most recognizable symptom of ringworm. Treatment via decontaminating the dog's environment, medication, and topical treatments from a vet will help heal your pet.


    A type of parasitic infection, this disease happens as a result of tiny parasitic mites on dogs. There are two kinds of mange: Sarcoptic and Demodectic. Sarcoptic mange will cause an intense and frantic need to scratch; Demodectic mange leads to bald patches appearing on your dog's coat.

    The patch will not usually look dangerous, as in it won't look irritated, or inflamed- but should still be treated with the help of a vet right away. It should be noted that demodectic mange happens more often in younger dogs and pups.

    If you suspect your puppy has demodectic mange, look for hair loss around the face and muzzle, specifically the eyes. The front legs are also a zone in which hair loss can happen. A vet will help you with an anti-parasitic drug.

    Yeast Infections

    Yeast infections are a common reason for hair loss in puppies. Moist areas, such as skin folds and behind the ears, are zones in which these infections start.

    It should be noted that breeds with naturally wrinkly bodies, like pugs or English Bulldogs, are more susceptible to this affliction thanks to their natural body type, but it can happen to Rotties, too.

    Look for hair loss, oily skin, and an odor if you suspect your Rottweiler has a yeast infection. Bathing your dog using an anti-fungal shampoo is an excellent first step before seeing the vet, who can prescribe a remedy such as Zymox with Hydrocortisone. This medication is specially formulated to aid in the treatment of yeast infections.


    Hair loss can happen when your dog is affected by hypothyroidism. If your dog is acting more lethargic than usual, packing on the weight, and has brittle and dry hair and/or patches of hair loss, your dog could be experiencing this condition. Make sure to see a vet immediately as dogs are more open to infection with hypothyroidism.

Dang Nguyen

founder of dnpixels photography

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